Modern Soul 45 Rising Love You Take My Heart Away On Venture

Sold Date: July 23, 2014
Start Date: July 22, 2014
Final Price: $20.00 $16.00 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 25922
Buyer Feedback: 0

rising love - you take my heart away / you take my hear away

Condition of Vinyl:  NM

Condition of Label/Sleeve:  See picture



Shipping Costs


Shipping Cost for 1st Item

Cost Per Additional Items


$3.50 for 45    $4 for LP

45-FREE!   LP-$1 each


$6 for 45    $8 for LP

45-$1 each   LP-$3 each


$9.00 for 45 $15 for LP

45-$1 each   LP $4 each

All items that sell for over $200 internationally must be shipped via fedex which costs $25.

We gladly ship anywhere in the world!  Please let us know if you have any questions...Thanks!