Sticker on laminated front cover "Printed in England by Upton Printing Group".
The back cover shows an ''indicator hole'' to let the inner sleeve peep through: blue = stereo, red = mono.
Red inner with "London Bach Choir" not censored.
Includes a poster. Barcode and Other Identifiers Matrix / Runout (Runout Side A, stamped. Variant 1): XARL-9363.P-1A Matrix / Runout (Runout Side B, stamped. Variant 1): XARL-9364.P-1A Matrix / Runout (Runout Side A, stamped. Variant 2): XARL-9363.P-1A Matrix / Runout (Runout Side B, stamped. Variant 2): XARL-9364.P-2A Matrix / Runout (Runout Side A, stamped. Variant 3): XARL-9363.P-2A Matrix / Runout (Runout Side B, stamped. Variant 3): XARL-9364.P-1A Rights Society (Boxed): BIEM Rights Society (Boxed): NCB Matrix / Runout (Label Side A): XARL 9363 Matrix / Runout (Label side B): XARL 9364