Sold Date: December 3, 2020
Start Date: December 1, 2020
Final Price: $19.22 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 90
Buyer Feedback: 19

About this Item
The eBay subject title can sometimes cut off important information regarding item listing details. Below is a more detailed summary of this specific item for sale:

The item format is a vinyl 7"
The Artist Name is CHAPMAN TRACY

Condition Used
The Media Condition is E
The Sleeve Condition is Generic

A generic sleeve is typically not the original sleeve. When shipped, we may provide a generic paper or plastic sleeve. A generic sleeve means the item many have initially had an official artwork sleeve but it has probably been replaced with a generic sleeve and is not the original sleeve provided in this sale.

Other Comments
Media Condition-E. Sleeve Condition-Generic. Sleeve condition Generic means it is not the original sleeve, it is a generic replacement sleeve.

The image shown here is NOT an image of the actual item for sale. iHaveit have over 1million items for sale, for this reason we use stock images for reference purposes only, which may not be the same image representation of the item being sold. Please message me if you want to check and verify the image details.

International Shipping
iHaveit does not directly ship internationally anymore. We have experienced too many international delivery issues in the past and for this reason made a policy decision to only ship internationally via the eBay Global Shipping Programme. The prices included within this listing detail the eBay Global Shipping prices.

Location ID 583z

iHaveit Internal Reference ID 62612687

Warehouse Reference Number EM311