THEY LIVE Soundtrack LP annihilation of consciousnes *SEALED* death waltz mondo

Sold Date: March 29, 2021
Start Date: June 13, 2019
Final Price: $40.00 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 215
Buyer Feedback: 0

You are purchasing a Death Waltz Recording Company, John Carpenter and Alan Howarth's brilliant score to THEY LIVE. A classic story of one man fighting for the freedom of the world with a great science fiction twist, the movie is full of amazing dialogue and also contains the greatest fistfight in the history of cinema. Like most of Carpenter's films, THEY LIVE has an urban western feel to it, which is emphasized by the infectious score. So, Grab your sunglasses, your bubblegum, and your shotgun.

Carpenter and Howarth's main theme conjures up images of a lone cowboy entering town, with the main melody augmented with the sounds of harmonica and saxophone. There's a carefree attitude which reflects Rowdy Roddy Piper's character, but the score takes on a more sinister tone when he realizes he doesn't know anything about what's really going on. Carpenter's signature synth tones create an uncomfortable atmosphere, but the main bass-line is always fighting against them, never giving up. Electric guitar is used fleetingly, but brilliantly, and the whole score embodies the kind of rebelling against authority Carpenter is famous for. THEY LIVE will rock your world without the need for a Brazilian plastic surgeon to put you back together again.