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Sold Date: February 25, 2023
Start Date: November 25, 2021
Final Price: €24.99 (EUR)
Seller Feedback: 39078
Buyer Feedback: 0

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Cult Rock Classic Records 2021 – US Hard Rock Classic - WINTERHAWK from San Francisco, was a Native American hard rock band, founded by Nik Alexander, singer and guitar player extraordinaire. The band started in 1978 and until 1984 released two amazing rock albums, "Electric Warriors" (in 1979) and "Dog Soldier" (in 1981) on John Wagner's Mother Earth Records.


Both albums are considered to be huge classics and the original vinyl records are monster rarities, being impossible to find and among the most sought after U.S. rock records of the 70s and 80s.


It was about time for these two classic gems to be available again on vinyl format!


Unfortunately, Nik Alexander passed away a few years ago but his memory lives on through the timeless compositions he created, that will surely be remembered and enjoyed by every serious music fan and collector unto the ages of the ages. HAIL!


Black vinyl (limited to 200 copies!)

i) 180gr vinyl

ii) Special 2 page insert with biography, liner notes, rare pictures and lyrics

iii) Bonus song taken from the local compilation "KMEL's New Oasis 1983"



Side A:

1. Prayer

2. Got To Save It

3. Black Whiskey

4. Dark Skin Lady

5. The Wind


Side B:

1. Restaurant

2. Selfish Man

3. Custer's Dyin'

4. Fight

Versandkosten/Shipping Costs


Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschland ! Beim Kauf von mehreren Artikeln aus unserem Angebot bekommen Sie als Käufer Rabatt !

1 LP = versandkostenfrei 2 - 8 LPs = ab der 2. LP gibt es einen Rabatt in Höhe von 3,00 Euro, ab der 3. LP für jede weitere LP 4,00€ ! Bsp.: Kauf von 4 LPs = Rabatt von 11,00 Euro (1 x 3,00 € + 2 x 4,00 €)

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