eevee - Seeds. Vinyl LP NEU 09548630

Sold Date: September 14, 2022
Start Date: July 1, 2021
Final Price: €32.95 (EUR)
Seller Feedback: 34880
Buyer Feedback: 0


eevee - Seeds. Vinyl LP Zustand:Neu
Label:Not On Label
Pressung:CA - Original
Lieferstatus: Sofort lieferbar.

For First Time On Vinyl!

Eevee: "here's my new ep called seeds

I want to say thank you, it's amazing how you all support my music it means a lot to me <3

there happened so many bad things in my life and I always felt depressed in my youth when my dad died I felt like I was dead inside but that opened my eyes to see what I was doing with my life and it turned into a period of beautiful transformation my mind state changed, I enjoy all the little things in life and let everything come on my path I'm so thankful for all the good things that happen to me the last couple months I feel much more happy and free

I wanted to share this because I always felt alone in my fight but you're not alone, there are many people who feel the same good things will come to you, if you focus on the positives and let go of the negatives I just hope that everyone at some point in life, find their way to be happy <3"

Only 2 per customer!

Tracklist TitelFeaturingProducingA1.FragmentsA2.MistA3.Like ThisA4.Ja E VeraoA5.BelasA6.SeemsA7.Lay It DownB1.LuaB2.When I Met YouB3.I Wounder If We're DeadB4.AdmireB5.FeelB6.Forget

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