Katy J Pearson - The Wicker Man E.P. (RSD 2024) Vinyl 12" EP NEU 0555984

Sold Date: May 22, 2024
Start Date: April 22, 2024
Final Price: €40.95 (EUR)
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Katy J Pearson - The Wicker Man E.P. (RSD 2024) Vinyl 12" EP Zustand:Neu
Format:12" EP
Pressung:EU - Original
Lieferstatus: Sofort lieferbar.

Record Store Day 2024 Release.

A vinyl exclusive of Katy J Pearson & Friends Presents Songs From The Wicker Man. An EP of The Wicker Man soundtrack covers originally for STUDIOCANAL’S The Wicker Man 50th Anniversary Collector’s Edition 4-disc box-set and available digitally. The 9-track EP from Katy J Pearson and friends features collaborations from Broadside Hacks, Drug Store Romeos, Sarah Meth, Orbury Common, Evie Hilyer-Zietler, Bert Ussher, H.Hawkline plus special guests as well as remixes by Richard Norris and Stone Club.

Talking about the single ‘Willows Song’, Katy said:

“Strangely, I heard The Wicker Man soundtrack way before I watched the movie. I remember my dad playing me Willow’s Song and I found it hypnotic and it started being a song I listened to a lot. The version I did for the record was a kind of psychedelic/ krautrock version so having the opportunity to work with my friends Broadside Hacks on a traditional cover which they put together so beautifully has been really brilliant. I’m such a fan so it’s an honour to be involved in the 50th anniversary of The Wicker Man.”

Talking about the EP, Candy Vincent-Smith of STUDIOCANAL said:

"Introducing a younger audience to the classic films in our library is so important to us, and so we jumped at the chance to work with Katy J Pearson and Heavenly, to breathe new life into The Wicker Man’s iconic soundtrack. This very special E.P. aims to bring a whole new generation of film and music fans to worship at the feet of this brilliantly scary cult film, in celebration of its 50th Anniversary.”

Only 1 per customer!

Tracklist TitelFeaturingProducingA1.Fire LeapDrug Store ...A2.Willow's SongBroadside H...A3.Gently Johnny (Katy J Pearson & ...A4.MaypoleOrbury Comm...A5.Lullaby (Katy J Pearson & Broads...B1.Corn Rigs (Broadside Hacks)B2.Gently Johnny (Stone Club remix)B3.Willow's Song (Richard Norris Ri...B4.Willow's Song

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