Sold Date: March 16, 2022
Start Date: May 16, 2014
Final Price: $36.99 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 8993
Buyer Feedback: 0






Well, those are good questions, especially if you have never known of them. 

 Radio Shows are syndicated productions by one of several large and small distributors who supply broadcast product to radio stations normally during weekends when the usual air personalities have a break.  Many air on Saturday or Sunday evenings or during overnight segments.  

They often feature some of the best known voices for their genre from across the country thus the Dick Clark's and Casey Kasem's and Rick Dees and Dick Bartley and so many others. 

People collect them for various reasons. 

Some just collect the series because they like it and want them all. 

Some collect their favorite artists or genre of music.  Rather than an album by the artist or a compilation bought at Wal Mart or downloaded through iTunes or wherever, they have a unique presentation of their favorite artist or music not available anywhere else and always with dj presentations which were very entertaining.  

Some collect interviews with their favorite artists as most shows had interview segments. 

 Dick Clark shows have multiple interviews all from Dick's personal collection compiled over his whole career.  Since most of these artists are no longer with us, these interviews are invaluable and lend a personal touch to each show.  Being interviewed by Dick Clark was a key part of music in the early rock era. 

And some collect commercials especially old car commercials but certainly not limited to only those.  

AND, these shows are in limited quantity. 

They were printed just for syndicated stations in the United States.

  Many have just a few still in circulation.  Some of the more popular shows may have as many as a few hundred of each week's show that survived but think about it.  A few hundred for some 200 million Americans and millions of overseas collectors who look for unique presentations of their favorite artists or form of music is about as rare as rare can be. 

Many stations just threw them away after airing because they could never be aired again due to the time limited commercial content and the limited space that radio stations have to store things.  Believe me I know!  I work at one!

AND they are increasingly hard to find. 

 They were first distributed on reel to reel tape if the show goes back that far into the 60's, then later on lp, later on CD and even later (after 2000 for most shows) on CDR.  Now they are not available at all to collectors since they are distributed by digital download much like you get your music from iTunes.

These shows become rarer and rarer every day because the people who buy them hold on to them and the people who sell them, like me, are running out of them.   My best contact for these shows is running very low and when he is gone I will be at the mercy of finding a good deal here and there but never from a regular source.  

The shows that you get now and hold on to will never decrease in value and only increase. 

 I have prided myself since the start to provide the best and fairest cost with a no holds barred guarantee that you will be happy or I refund your money.  I sell them for near what I bought them for.  I give volume discounts and discount postage always.  

As the postal service increases their rates, my shipping rates over the years has decreased. 

And, I have one of the biggest radio show libraries in the world consisting of over ten thousand of shows, so many that I don't even know all that I have and am sometimes amazed when I go to look for one show and find another that I did not realize I had.  

Finally, it is Americana at its best. 

Whether the show be from the 60's or 2000's, rock, countdown, oldies, country, classical, religious, jazz or big band, it is unique and home grown. 

And you just can't find them anywhere.  Even record stores that still exist will rarely have any.   Radio shows are wonderful representations of the real golden age of radio at least music wise. 

And every  one you buy is an original, not a copy, not a remake - all are limited editions in the hundreds at most and most much less. Once you get hooked, like me, it is a love affair for life!  Welcome to the Club!  

Picture yourself back in the late 50's or 60's, even the 70's.  You were glued to your transistor radio listening to the top 40 presented by your local radio station.  You had that radio glued to your ear or connected with the little earphone jack that immediately broke. 

 Your local dj was great.  He knew the music.  He had the gift of talking which rarely occurs anymore.  You loved the presentation of the music as much as the sounds.  You liked the station jingles.

  And on weekends when the local dj's had off, you listened to either taped shows they did during the week to be played on the weekend or a syndicated radio show featuring one of the greats. 

 It was the golden age of rock.  Music was king and the dj's were just as popular. You can relive those days whether you grew up then or just wish you had on only a handful of oldies shows. THIS IS ONE OF THEM. 

 Most of you who know me,  collectors who have dealt with me over the years, know that one of my favorite series of all time is this,   DICK CLARK'S ROCK ROLL AND REMEMBER. 

This is the Ferrari of Radio Shows, la creme de la creme.

 Dick Clark was one of the first Masters of Rock and Roll.  His Dick Clark's American Bandstand set the pace for a multitude of acts to become famous  His dance party format spread across the country and local versions were top rated in their markets. His tv show went on for over  30 years.  At one time he had three shows on the ABC Network - his daily American Bandstand show, his Saturday night show and his summer Where The Action Is show. 

 And it was not only television where he attracted millions in his audience. On radio it was the same story.  He started in the syndication market in the late 60's with an hour show, each hour with a special focus.  Then he started his countdown show (he had three different countdown shows in his career).  Then he started Rock Roll and Remember which at first was hosted by legendary California dj Gene Weed since Dick was under contract to Mutual Broadcasting.  He made guest appearances on the Rock Roll and Remember show and finally could be the sole host.

  This show is THE benchmark against which all oldies shows were compared. The format was never duplicated but was imitated everywhere. 

 But there was only ONE Dick Clark. Only ONE person with the knowledge of the business and the artists that he had.  What he packed in one weekly four hour show of 55 songs and up to 15 interviews was just plain over the top.  It was a first class show from the packaging to the beauty of the LP's , to the cue sheets, to the content of the shows themselves. 

Every show had a special feature, usually an artist or group, and there were at least eight interview segments with that artist during the show, two an hour. 

Each hour also contained one or two more interview segments with other artists featured.   

Each show had a theme year and many songs were played that were popular during that year, and there were several mini themes spread throughout the show one mini theme always featured another artist or group and all the songs in that segment were by that group along with an interview. 

AND, there were the other regular features such as the famous "Microphone on the Street"  and the Rock Roll and Review" segment. 

This show was absolutely unbelievable and now you can own one or more for yourself.  It came as pictured  with four beautifully decorated LP's WITH their the cue sheets in very good condition. 

Dick Clark's Rock Roll and Remember was distributed by United Stations Radio Networks, later to become Unistar Radio Networks and then after a year or two United Stations Radio Networks again! Also for a brief period in between they were distributed by Westwood One Radio Networks for reasons that are beyond me since they were still packaged in the Unistar boxes and had the Unistar labels.  I wish I knew the answer to that one!  I even had communication with a Unistar guy and he didn't know.  Oh well, trivia that will come to light some day and then I will share it with you. 

These shows are very rare because they are Dick Clark and for some reason are the least available of any show I have ever listed even though I presume that because it was a Dick Clark show there were more of them around than most other syndicated shows except maybe for Casey.  Perhaps anyone who has one does not sell and keeps it out of circulation.  After all, it IS Dick Clark, the originator of the American Bandstand format that endured for 40 years. 

Dick Clark IS the poster child of rock and roll .  He IS Mr. Rock and Roll for my generation and beyond.  Owning one of his shows is owning a piece of the rock of rock and roll.  These shows are a bit more expensive than most but I have priced them right around what I paid for them. 

This show is #353 and aired on NOVEMBER 12, 1988 . 

The featured artist was A TRIBUTE TO THE FOUR TOPS 

There are multiple interviews with DUKE FAKIR, OBIE BENSON, AND LEVI STUBBS OF THE FOUR TOPS   and MANY other artists interspersed through the show.



We lost a national icon when Dick passed away.  You can own a part of the heritage that was Dick Clark when you own this special show, his masterpiece of music and presented as only Dick could.  

This is the original show sent for airing.  It is NOT an unauthorized copy but the Real McCoy!!!   I personally guarantee that every radio show that I sell is the original show sent to stations.  Each show comes from my personal collection of thousands of radio shows of every genre.

Stations could use the show anytime during that weekend and then if any were left over they became  available to us all to enjoy. You are truly buying a  show that will only increase in value and I am selling them at a price very close to what I paid for it. 

The show also comes with its original national commercials and none of the boring local commercials everyone hates!  

Some people buy these shows for their commercial collections but if you don't like them, just skip to the next track and they are gone!  

Remember that this and all the radio music shows that you see on eBay  are not just about the music - the music can be found anywhere.  It is the mixture of great music and great announcing that makes it so entertaining. 

As well, it is a piece of radio and music  history.  You just aren't going to find these shows around very much longer as everything is now digitized and downloaded for play and shows are no longer sent out on CD's.  Think of what they will be worth in a few years!  (IF you wanted to sell.) 

I am selling to share with other music lovers what I was able to get at a reasonable price.   I am saving those shows I treasure the most and sharing the rest with you for very reasonable prices.    It is a great show and would be a valuable addition to your collection. 

As always, for U.S. buyers, I charge only shipping on the first show you buy so the more you buy the more money you will save.  For my international friends, I charge shipping for the first show bought and every other show in the same package ships for ONLY $8 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MULTI LP SHOW and no extra cost for any other cd or lp radio show.  This is how I try to counter the terribly high shipping prices that recently took a huge hike. 

Good Luck and may God richly bless you always and forever.