Caribou - Suddenly Vinyl LP NEU 09544871

Sold Date: January 25, 2022
Start Date: February 28, 2020
Final Price: €17.87 (EUR)
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Caribou - Suddenly Vinyl LP Zustand:Neu
Label:City Slang
Pressung:DE - Original
Lieferstatus: Sofort lieferbar.

Includes Free Digital Download Code Of The Entire Album!

Standard Edition Black Vinyl.

In 2014 Dan Snaith aka Caribou released Our Love to overwhelming critical acclaim and massive fan support. Now Caribou returns with his seventh studio album Suddenly, an album about family and the changes we go though as those relationships evolve.

Suddenly is the most surprising and unpredictable Caribou album to date. Though it retains the trademark Caribou warmth and technicolour, this album is littered with swerves and left turns, and amazes with it’s yet unheard nuances, samples and hooks.

As Snaith puts it, “these albums are like photo albums for me – when I look back at the old ones, they’re a snapshot of my life at that time, full of people who are close to you”. This is the drive to continue to make Caribou albums. Full bodies of work where Snaith is able to evaluate things, look at those around him and celebrate them. As his passion and joy in music making remains as fresh as ever, Suddenly is the purest example of this yet.

Tracklist TitelFeaturingProducingA1.SisterA2.You and IA3.Sunny's TimeA4.New JadeA5.HomeA6.LimeA7.Never Come BackB1.Filtered Grand PianoB2.Like I Loved YouB3.MagpieB4.RaviB5.Cloud Song

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