Rozen - Sins of Hyrule (Soundtrack / Game) Vinyl 2LP NEU 09546008

Sold Date: December 1, 2020
Start Date: October 26, 2020
Final Price: €44.95 (EUR)
Seller Feedback: 30829
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Rozen - Sins of Hyrule (Soundtrack / Game) Vinyl 2LP Zustand:Neu
Label:Materia Collective
Cover:Picture Gatefold
Pressung:US - Original
Lieferstatus: Sofort lieferbar.

Comes on Gold Coloured Vinyl.

This album explores the eternal conflict between the goddess Hylia and the Evil of evils, Demise, across the dimensions of time. Featuring music from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild. 

A sonic experience that embraces epic music with electronic flavors. Live instruments, huge percussion, choir, hybrid elements, and dreamy vocals.

Tracklist TitelFeaturingProducingA1.The Ancient BattleLaura Intra...A2.Ballad of the GoddessA3.A King Is BornA4.Gerudo LegendJulie ElvenB1.Song of HyliaB2.Battle for the Sacred RealmB3.Monarchy in ShadowsB4.Thief RebornC1.King of Light and ShadowC2.Dark Lord GanondorfC3.Breath of the WildC4.Castle in RuinsD1.CalamityD2.Ganon's RequiemD3.Sins of Hyrule

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