Sold Date:
February 27, 2021
Start Date:
December 14, 2020
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Shop Categories (The image is a stock photo, please don't judge the grading of the product you order by the photo, but by the grading, Please check the Grading of the product ) LP:Darkthrone,Under A Funeral Moon [DARKTHRONE'S 1993 BLACK METAL MASTERPIECE]
Details Specifications:DARKTHRONE'S 1993 BLACK METAL MASTERPIECELabel:PeacevillePublishedYear:2010Country:USCatalogue Number:VILELP35FirstPublishedYear:1993VOE:20/05/2002 Tracklist 1/1Darkthrone-NATASSJA IN ETERNAL SLEEP1/2Darkthrone-SUMMER OF THE DIABOLICAL HOLOCAUST1/3Darkthrone-THE DANCE OF ETERNAL SHADOWS1/4Darkthrone-UNHOLY BLACK METAL1/5Darkthrone-TO WALK THE INFERNAL FIELDS1/6Darkthrone-UNDER A FUNERAL MOON1/7Darkthrone-INN I DE DYPE SKOGERS FAVN1/8Darkthrone-CROSSING THE TRIANGEL OF FLAMES Unsere Preise verstehen sich inkl. gesetzl. Umsatzsteuer. Die Umsatzsteuer kann aufgrund des Differenzbesteuerungsverfahrens §25a UStG nicht explizit ausgewiesen werden. If you need an invoice in any other format than email, please ask for it. ITEM-ID : 30070024499.