Led Zeppelin 4 ZOSO 1971 Vinyl Record Atlantic LP SD 7208 Stairway To Heaven

Sold Date: August 15, 2017
Start Date: May 13, 2017
Final Price: $23.99 $20.00 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 553
Buyer Feedback: 6

Led Zeppelin 4 ZOSO 1971 Vinyl Record Atlantic LP SD 7208 Stairway To Heaven

We are constantly out searching for more records to expand our own collection of albums. We find a lot of great stuff but we cannot keep everything. We list anything we think our fellow vinyl enthusiasts might find interesting. Most of the stuff that we post is going to be some form of rock and roll but we buy and sell a variety of different genres.

All of our records are shipped in cardboard mailers padded with bubble wrap to ensure safe delivery. All records are sent using USPS media mail with tracking uploaded at the time of shipment. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Thanks for looking.

If you are unhappy with your purchase for ANY reason let us know. We will pay for the return shipping and issue you a full refund.