FOGHAT fully signed autographed LP Girls To Chat & Boys To Bounce

Sold Date: January 11, 2024
Start Date: November 24, 2023
Final Price: $100.00 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 945
Buyer Feedback: 0

Welcome to the DOMO ARIGATO.  I am starting to list for the holiday season.  Normally, this is my time to sell as things slow down during my work year.  If you like my auctions, I suggest you tag me a favorite seller to keep up.  I am a boutique of signed albums with a collection spanning from 70's to now concentrating on indie and a side order of classic rock.

This was my stepfather's, who worked as a radio programmer.  Normally I am the one who has a possible story behind my indie band listings, but since my stepdad passed on, I have no clue!  I do know it is authentic as it had been opinion'd by Roger Epperson when I had it listed less visibly elsewhere.  They won't list anything without Roger's seal of approval and I personally have used him to authenticate.  That said, I think this is a super rare find to have all four signatures on the record of the proper line-up on vinyl (i don't count signed pictures, mass done).  

Shipping includes Media Mail and Insurance.Thanks for looking on.