Bim-Bom – 78 rpm Victor 65206: Zaplatana Rodzina/GTrzy Zalety; V cond

Sold Date: October 26, 2022
Start Date: April 17, 2021
Final Price: $22.48 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 5363
Buyer Feedback: 0


Bim-Bom – 78 rpm Victor 65206: Zaplatana Rodzina/GTrzy Zalety; V cond, rmflk nap sB

KEY TO GRADING ABBREVIATIONS (I aim to be conservative) (Grading is done visually): N = Mint; E = Excellent; V = Very Good; G = Good; F = Fair; - means a little less; + means a little more; rmflk = rim flake; nap = not affecting play; cresc crk = crescent shaped crack;  ULC = under-label crack; labscr = scratches on label, wol = writing on label, sol = sticker on label.