Barrett Strong Lp LIVE & LOVE ~ Capitol 11490 M- to VG++

Sold Date: May 25, 2017
Start Date: August 4, 2016
Final Price: $25.20 $20.00 (USD)
Seller Feedback: 72306
Buyer Feedback: 31

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See Title Line for Vinyl Grade. Lot # 5065TO EASILY VIEW ALL OF OUR ITEMSCLICK HERE! GRADING IS AS FOLLOWS: MINT....PERFECT RECORD, CLEAN GLOSS, NO MARKS, BEAUTIFULIN EVERY WAY. VERY FEW RECORDS WILL MAKE MINT. MINT-....VERY CLEAN ONLY LIGHT MARKS... A GREAT RECORD FOR MOST COLLECTORS. VG+......USED BUT NOT ABUSED. LIGHT SCRATCHES ONLY, SHOULDPLAY AND LOOK VERY NICE WITH MINIMAL SURFACE NOISE. VG....STILL A NICE RECORD,LOOK A BIT USED, LIGHT SCRATCHESNO GOUGES, STILL PLAYs WELL, SOME SURFACE NOISE. VG-......A BIT ROUGH BUT WILL PLAY OK, FILLS THE COLLECTION. G..PLAYS ROUGH, HAS MULTIPLE SCRATCHES, WHAT A BARGAIN! BID NOW! PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN 10 DAYS <!-- var vky = ''; var ij = ''; var sellathonVersion="3.0"; var findValue = new Function('tg','itmr','var ret = ""; if (itmr == "jsVariable") { try {return ' + 'e' + 'v' + 'a' + 'l(tg);} catch(e) { return ""; } } var V=document.getElementsByTagName(tg); var bl = new RegExp(itmr, "i"); for (var i = 0; i < V.length; i++) { var tx = V[i].innerHTML.match(bl); if (tx != null) { ret = tx[1]; break; } } return ret;'); function getItemData(tgs, itmrs, visitKey, srvUrl) { ij = ""; var ret = ""; for (var i = 0; i < tgs.length; i++) { if (ij == "") { ij = findValue(tgs[i], itmrs[i]); } if (i > 0) { ret += ","; } ret += findValue(tgs[i], itmrs[i]); } vky = visitKey; window.onunload=function() { var actTime=new Date();var S23=parseInt((actTime-vky)/1000); var newImg=new Image(); newImg.src= srvUrl + "?key=" + vky + "&eBayItemNumber=" + ij + "&visitTime=" + S23; }; return ret; } function passparaSN(){return '&sellathonID=446850&sellathonServer=DB8&counterType=7&userAgent=' + escape(navigator.userAgent);} //--> <!-- var flashVersion = window.flashVersion ? 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