Supernatural - If You Ever Come To Call 45 Unknown Private AOR Country HEAR!

Sold Date: January 15, 2023
Start Date: January 8, 2023
Final Price: $17.50 (USD)
Bid Count: 2
Seller Feedback: 3
Buyer Feedback: 0


If You Ever Come To Call

B/W Fly Away

Super rare unknown private pressing. Recorded in Bellingham, WA. Record made in Canada.

B-Side is a kind of Yacht Rock / AOR feeling song. I prefer this one.

A-Side is country but not a bad tune. HEAR THEM BOTH BELOW!

Side A: VG+

Side B: VG+

Labels look pretty good.


(Copy and Paste link into your browser)

I recently had to start a new ebay profile but have been selling on this site for 10 years. To see my credibility as a seller you can check my previous account here: