BIRCH, Diane - Flying On Abraham - Vinyl (LP)

Sold Date: June 15, 2024
Start Date: April 15, 2024
Final Price: £25.74 (GBP)
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Free delivery on many items.   Same-day despatch, no-question returns.   Authorised dealers - full technical support.   Online since 1997. Shop categories Information Diane BIRCH Flying On Abraham (LP) Legere Recordings Germany

Cat: LEGO 319VL. Rel: 15 Apr 24

Side 1 - Track 1. Wind MachineSide 1 - Track 2. Jukebox JohnnySide 1 - Track 3. Moto MoonSide 1 - Track 4. ShadeSide 1 - Track 5. Critics LullabySide 2 - Track 1. Boys On CanvasSide 2 - Track 2. JunoSide 2 - Track 3. Russian DollSide 2 - Track 4. Used To Lovin' YouSide 2 - Track 5. Trampoline

Diane Birch returns with that spellbinding voice - a transportive powerhouse packing a timeless quality that resonates through her music. The American recording world doing what it has always done so well, creating huge, heartbreaking, hopeful, and captivating mini operas disguised as pop. Or, if you want to get technical here: soft rock, country, folk, r&b and soul. OK, so there are elements of funk and jazz, too, and the result is a heady brew that's pretty inescapable. Harking back to the balladry heydays, with shades of Dolly Parton, Whitney Houston, and Carly Simon, to name but a few - in delivery and performance, if not necessarily tone - no matter where you're listening from it's going to be hard to forget this one.